Q1 Display the list of ROLES created by usersA. select * from user_roles B. select * from roles C. select * from user-roles D. select * from tab |
Q2 Step(s) for creating clustersA. creating cluster B. createing cluster table C. creating cluster index D. all of these |
Q4 Maximum length of all the cluster columns combined is :A. 237 B. 238 C. 239 D. 240 |
Q5 The command used to make changees to permanent:A. COMMIT B. ROLLBACK C. GRANT D. REVOKE |
Q6 The command used to discard part or all work the user has done in current transactionA. COMMIT B. ROLLBACK C. GRANT D. REVOKE |
Q7 The statement used to discard or commit all the changes upto a pointA. COMMIT B. ROLLBACK C. SAVEPOINTS D. none of these |
Q8 Which one is not the section of the PL/SQL programA. Declaration section B. Execution section C. Error section D. Exception Handing section |
Q9 %rowtype is usedA. provide a record type that represents a row in the table B. access datatype of the specified column C. declare specified data type to a variable D. all of these |
Q12 SELECT statement in PL/SQL must returnA. five records B. four records C. three records D. one records |
Q13 Which clause used with SELECT statement to store values from the table into variablesA. GOTO clause B. INTO clause C. UPTO clause D. none of these |
Q14 Which command is used to compile and execute the PL/SQL programA. RUN filename B. @filename C. &filename D. SQL filename |
Q15 Command used to print on the screenA. PRINT B. WRITE C. dbms_output.put_line() D. DISPLAY |
Q16 variable declaration is done in :A. declaration section B. execution section C. exception handling section D. none of these |
Q17 Which on is not acomposite datatype:A. record B. table C. varray D. string |
Q18 Which varable attribute is used to define a column type variableA. %rowtype B. %type C. %columntype D. all of these |
Q19 Private SQL area to execute SQL statements and store informationA. Table B. Record C. View D. Cursor |
Q21 Run time error are known as:A. Exception B. syntax error C. grammetical error D. non of these |
Q23 Which one is not predefined exceptionA. NO_DATA_FOUND B. TOO_MANY_ROWS C. STORAGE_ERROR D. OTHERS |
Q24 In PL/SQL a function returnsA. one value B. all values C. non value D. none of theses |
Q25 Which argument mode lets the user to pass the value to called subprogram.A. OUT B. IN OUT C. IN D. all of these |
Q26 Which one is not the part of triggerA. Trigger Event B. Trigger method C. Trigger action D. Trigger constrait |
Q27 Which part is optionalA. Trigger Event B. Trigger action C. Trigger constrait D. none of these |
Q28 Which one of the following is the correct SQL command to retrieve all of the data from an Excel worksheet named Invoices?A. . SELECT Invoices FROM Excel B. SELECT Worksheet FROM Invoices C. . SELECT * FROM Invoices$ D. . SELECT * FROM Excel WHERE Worksheet=Invoices |
Q29 can a trigger be defined as a stored procedure,if so , how, in what way it is different from a stored procedureA. yes, it is special kind of stored procedure, but it need not be called explicitly B. . Trigger can never be a stored procedure C. Triggers are to be called explicitly as we call stored procedures D. none of these |
Q30 What happens when you invoke the Close method of a SqlConnection object?A. . The connection will be returned to the pool B. . The connection will be terminated and its resources cleared C. The connection will be maintained until the application invokes the Open method again D. none |
Q32 What is a delegate?A. A strongly typed function pointer B. A light weight thread or process that can call a single method C. A reference to an object in a different process D. . An inter-process message channel |
Q33 Which of the following operations can you NOT perform on an ADO.NET DataSet?A. . A DataSet can be synchronised with the database. B. A DataSet can be synchronised with a RecordSet C. A DataSet can be converted to XML D. You can infer the schema from a DataSet |
Q34 Which one of the following controls does not ues the imagelist?A. . Slider B. Toolbar C. Tabstrip D. Treeview |
Q35 What is the purpose of code-behind?A. To discard the use of HTML B. To separate different sections of a page into different files according to function C. To separate the layout HTML and the code into two different files D. . To merge layout HTML and the code into one file |
Q36 Which DataTable property returns all rows and columns from a DataTable?A. TableView B. ViewAll C. DefaultView D. ReturnTable |
Q37 which is the base class for all HTML controls?A. System.Web.UI.Html B. System.Web.HtmlControl C. System.Web.UI.HtmlControl D. . System.Web.Controls |
Q38 What does the "Volatile" modifier do?A. The value of the object is written immediately on assignment. B. The value is lost after the system reads it. C. . The system stored the value until the end of all current threads. D. The system always reads the current value of a volatile object at the point it is requested. |
Q40 SOAP stands for?A. Simple Object Access Protocol B. Simple Object Act Protocol C. Simple Object Accept Protocol D. Simple Object Across Protocol |
Q41 What does WSDL stand for?A. Web Services Description Language. B. Web Services Describ Language. C. Web Sercular Description Language. D. Web Servay Description Language. |
Q43 What are the roles of SQL?A. . DML (Data manupulation Language) B. DDL (Data Defination Language) C. DAL (Data administration Language) D. All the above |
Q44 What is Structured query language?A. Standard language for Data manipulation B. English Query Language C. English like query language designed by IBM to do datamanupulation D. none |
Q45 How many clustered indexes can be createdon a table?A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. none of all |
Q46 How many non-clustered indexes can be createdon a table?A. 2 B. 8 C. 249 D. 512 |
Q47 What data types do the RangeValidator control support?A. Integer B. String C. Date D. All of these |
Q48 How to display the structure of the Table in SQL Server?A. . sp_TableName B. . sp_help TableName C. sturct TableName D. structure TableName |
Q49 SQL Server Comments are ?A. << and -- B. . -- and /* ... */ C. . -- and // D. // and /* ... */ |
Q50 In C# multiline comments are implemented byA. . // Data // B. <-- Data --> C. /* Data */ D. ---data--- |
Q51 In ASP.NET, which two properties are present on every validation controlA. . ControlToValidate & Type properties B. Type & ErrorMessage properties C. . ControlToValidate & Operator properties D. ControlToValidate & ErrorMessage properties |
Q52 @@identity,@@error and @@rowcount areA. Global variables B. Scalar functions C. . Maintained by the server constantly D. All the above |
Q54 Numeric data type is functionally equivalent to Deciaml data typeA. True B. False C. not relevant D. Blank |
Q57 The maximum number of column per INSERT Statement..A. 10 B. 128 C. 256 D. 1024 |
Q58 The maximum number of column per SELECT Statement ..A. 256 B. 1024 C. 4096 D. no limit |
Q59 The maximum number of Table per SELECT Statement …A. 256 B. 128 C. 1024 D. 4096 |
Q60 The maximum number of Foreign Key table references per TableA. 256 B. 253 C. 128 D. 1024 |
Q61 The maximum number of Rows per Table …A. 4TB B. 2,147,483,647 C. . Limited by available storage D. 1048516 TB |
Q62 We can specify data types when we create a DataColumn for a DataTable in a Dataset.A. . True B. False C. it depends on the type D. none |
Q63 What are all the types of Sql Server database file ?A. . Primay File (.mdf) , Secondary File (.ldf) and ldf files (.ldf) B. Primay File (.mdf) , Secondary File (.ldf) and ldf files (.ldf) C. Primay File (.mdf) , Secondary File (.ldf) and ldf files (.ldf) D. none of these |
Q64 To associate an event handler with an event, What statement should be used?A. . the WithEvents statement and the Handles clause B. . the AddHandler statement C. the WithEvents statement and the Associates clause D. either A or C |
Q65 What are the Three types of database file?A. .ndf file, .bdf file, .dlf file B. .mdf file, .ndf file, .ldf file C. ) .sdf file, .pdf file, .ldf file D. .mdf file, .cdf file, .log file |
Q66 Bit data can be null in sql server 2000.A. True B. False C. Don't Know D. else |
Q67 What's the difference between a primary key and a unique key?A. primary key creates a clustered index on the column B. . unique creates a nonclustered index by default C. . BOTH 1 & 2 D. . None of the above |
Q68 How to find and delete duplicate records from a table?A. . SELECT columnname, count(*) FROM dbo.tablename GROUP BY columnname HAVING count(*) > 1 B. SELECT count(*) FROM dbo.tablename GROUP BY columnname HAVING count(*) > 1 C. . SELECT columnname, count(*) FROM dbo.tablename GROUP BY columnname HAVING count(columnname) >= 1 D. None of the Above |
Q69 Which Command deletes all the rows in a table, but does not log the deletion of each row?A. DELETE TABLE B. . TRUNCATE TABLE C. ALTER TABLE D. None Above. |
Q70 What is the difference between 'UNION' and 'UNION ALL' operatorsA. Both are similar B. only UNION is available in SQL , UNION ALL keyword is not there. C. . UNION will give only distinct records, but union all will give all the records from both the tables D. UNION will not take null values, UNION ALL will include null values also |
Q71 What is the process of copying/moving data between databases on the same or different servers known as?A. . Duplication. B. Serialization C. . Replication D. . None Above |
Q73 Number of columns in an relation known as :A. cardnality of relation B. degree of relation C. width of relation D. height of relation |
Q74 Which normal form restrict atomic values in relationA. 1NF B. 2NF C. 3NF D. 5NF |
Q75 DBA meansA. Database architecture B. Database Administrator C. Database Analyser D. All of these |
Q76 Number of rows in the rows in a relation known as:A. cardnality of relation B. degree of relation C. height of ralation D. none of these |
Q77 Which one not the feature of RDBMSA. Data Independence B. Data Security C. Data Integrity D. Encapsulation |
Q78 SQL means:A. Structural Query Language B. Sequential Query Language C. Serial Query Language D. Selected Query Language |
Q81 SQL is:A. non-procedural language B. Procedural Language C. Object Oriented Language D. All of these |
Q83 Fixed length character data can be stored in:A. VARCHAR2() B. CHAR() C. VARCHAR() D. LONG |
Q84 HAVING clause in SELECT statement is used toA. restrict the column of table B. restrict the rows of grouped result C. restrict the rows of ungrouped table D. none of these |
Q85 ORDER BY clause in SELECT statement is used for:A. sorting B. selection C. projection D. all of these |
Q86 What will be the output of query "select * from emp;"A. Display * on the screen B. Display Name of employes only C. Display all the record of emp table D. none of these |
Q87 DISTINCT clause is used to:A. all records B. only one record C. unique records D. selected records |
Q89 Which clause is used to restrict the groups?A. WHERE B. ORDER BY C. GOUP BY D. HAVING |
Q90 Which clause use at lowest level in SELECT statementA. GROUP BY B. HAVING C. WHERE D. ORDER BY |
Q91 ROLLUP used in SELECT statementA. restrict column B. restrict rows C. calculate multiple levels of subtotals D. calculate average |
Q92 Which command is used to provide priviledge to different userA. REVOKE B. GRANT C. RECALL D. PROVIDE |
Q93 Which data model describes how the data is actually stored?A. internal model B. external model C. conceptual model D. all of these |
Q95 Two tables are joined together using equality of values in one or more columns, withA. Self join B. Cartestion join C. Equi join D. Outer join |
Q96 Which clause used to merge the outputs of two or more queries into single set of rows and columnsA. UNION B. MINUS C. INTERSECT D. none of these |
Q97 '%' represents a sequence(s):A. one character B. zero character C. zero or more character D. one or more character |
Q99 Which condition is not true in case of inner queryA. The inner query must be enclosed in parentheses. B. The inner query may not have an order by clause C. The inner query must have use groupby clause D. all of these |
Q100 An Operator which check the existance of valuesA. SOME B. ALL C. LIKE D. EXISTS |
Q101 The function finds the smallest integer greater than or equal to nA. FLOOR(n) B. EXP(n) C. CEIL(n) D. ABS(n) |
Q103 The function which capitalizes the first character of each word in stringA. UPPER(string) B. INSTR(string) C. ASC(string) D. INITCAP(string) |
Q104 The function removes all blank spaces from the left of stringA. LPAD B. LTRIM C. RTRIM D. RPAD |
Q105 Output of NEXT_DAY(date,day) is :A. next day of the given date B. Last day of the month C. last day of the year D. date of next specified day of the week |
Q106 Which one of the following do you use to retrieve a user's color selection?A. . oDialog.Color.Name B. oDialog.RGB C. oDialog.Color D. oDialog.Text |
Q107 Which one of the following pairs of form properties can be set of changed using the window shown above?A. Width and Height B. Top and Height C. Top and Left D. Width and Left |
Q108 How do you determine the position of the currently selected item in a ComboBox called ComboBox1?A. ComboBox1.SelectedItem B. ComboBox1.ListItem C. ComboBox1.Selected D. ComboBox1.Index |
Q109 Which one of the following properties contains the name of the directory in a FileList named File1?A. File1.ItemData B. File1.Path C. File1.Filename D. File1.Text |
Q110 What is the purpose of the ImageList control?A. A ImageList control is used to find and list all image files in the specified path B. An ImageList control is used to list all images stored in other controls C. An ImageList control is used to provide the user with one image from the list D. An ImageList control is used to store images for use by other control |
Q111 For which of the following is the BackStyle of the Lable control used?A. It controls the transparency of the Label control B. The Lable control does not have a BackStyle C. It allows you to specify the pattern used to fill the Label control D. It controls the color of the Label background |
Q112 Which one of the following controls does not ues the imagelist?A. Toolbar B. Slider C. Tabstrip D. Listview |
Q113 Which of the following operations can you NOT perform on an ADO.NET DataSet?A. A DataSet can be synchronised with the database. B. A DataSet can be synchronised with a RecordSet. C. A DataSet can be converted to XML. D. You can infer the schema from a DataSet |
Q114 In the NUnit test framework, which attribute must adorn a test class in order for it to be picked up by the NUnit GUI?A. TestAttribute B. TestClassAttribute C. TestFixtureAttribute D. NUnitTestClassAttribute |
Q115 What compiler switch creates an xml file from the xml comments in the files in an assembly?A. /text B. /doc C. /xml D. /help |
Q116 What is boxing?A. Encapsulating an object in a value type. B. Encapsulating a copy of an object in a value type C. Encapsulating a value type in an object D. Encapsulating a copy of a value type in an object |
Q117 If a method is marked as protected internal who can access it?A. Classes that are both in the same assembly and derived from the declaring class. B. Only methods that are in the same class as the method in question. C. Internal methods can be only be called using reflection D. Classes within the same assembly, and classes derived from the declaring class. |
Q118 How do you debug in-process components?A. Set the debug property of the component to true B. Set the Enable property of the component to true C. Load a Test project & the component Project into a project group D. Load a Test project in one instance of VB & the component Project in another instance |
Q119 You are designing n-tier architecture application with four layers.Which layer should handle security issues send back to the user interface?A. DataBase B. Data Objects C. Client objects D. Bussiness Objects |
Q120 What is the function of Response.End?A. it will stop the server process B. it will stop the client process C. or both D. or none |
Q121 In Web Application the class "WebForm1" inherits fromA. System.Web.Page B. System.Page.Web.WebForm C. System.Web.UI.WebForm D. System.Web.UI.Page |
Q122 In the Web Service the class 'Service1' inherits fromA. System.WebServices.Service B. System.WebServices.WebService C. System.Web.Services.WebService D. System.Web.Services.Service |
Q123 How to identify memory spaces in ArrayList?A. FindMemory B. MemorySpace C. Capacity D. ArrayMemory |
Q124 DOT.NET offers two types of Data Adapters: SqlDataAdapter and OleDbDataAdapter. You are connecting to a SQL Server 2000 database and you choose to use the SqlDataAdapter.A. The OleDbDataAdapter is older technology kept in for backward compatibility. B. The OleDbDataAdapter is a sockets-based adapter for databases that are not specific to the machine. C. The OleDbDataAdapter is mainly designed for older, less efficient MS Access databases. D. As SqlDataAdapter does not have to go through an OLE DB layer,it is faster than the OleDbDataAdapter |
Q125 which of the following are/is value type datatypes of C#?A. String B. Object C. Struct D. 1 & 2 |
Q126 Which of these tasks requires you to use imperative security rather than declarative security?A. Refusing dangerous permissions such as Registry permission B. Ensuring that your application has access to an environment variable whose name is not known until runtime C. Ensuring that your application has access to a specific file whose name is known at design time D. Ensuring that your application has access to a Jet database as a specific user. |
Q127 How many clustered indexes can be created in table?A. 249 B. 250 C. one D. any number |
Q128 XmlSerializer class is used forA. Remoting B. Web Services C. Xml Documentary Files D. Both |
Q129 How many Non-Clustered indexes can be created?A. only 1 B. 248 C. 246 D. 249 |
Q130 How to display the structure of the Table in SQL Server?A. sp_TableName B. sp_help TableName C. sturct TableName D. structure TableName |