Q1 The special characters Word inserts into your document are called

A. removable characters

B. nonprinting characters

C. printing characters

D. hidden characters

Q2 The selection bar is

A. below the title bar

B. to the far left of your document

C. used to open other office applications

D. none of the above

Q3 You can add and date to a document by

A. inserting a text date

B. inserting a date field that will update automatically

C. typing the date manually

D. all of the above

Q4 you can delete text by

A. selecting the text and pressing the CTRL key

B. selecting the text and pressing the DELETE key

C. selecting the text and pressing the ALT+PAGEUP keys

D. none of the above

Q5 The insert mode means

A. you can highlight text

B. you can type over existing text

C. new text is placed in the document at the insertion point

D. selecting a vertical block of text

Q6 You can display the next page in print preview by

A. clicking the page forward button

B. clicking the previous page button

C. using the vertical scroll bar

D. clicking the next page button

Q7 documents can be printed to

A. a CD

B. a file on the disk

C. a printer

D. b and c

Q8 you can print

A. specified page of the document

B. selected text in the document

C. the page that contains the insertion point

D. a and b

Q9 The default paper size and orientation is

A. A4

B. 9.5" x 12" Portrait

C. 8.5" x 11" Portrait

D. 8.5" x 12" Landscape

Q10 you can print a document

A. from page layout view

B. from normal view

C. from print preview

D. b, c and d

Q11 The magnifier button

A. allow you to zoom your document

B. display two pages side by side

C. scroll you to a new page

D. none of the above

Q12 In print preview, you can

A. format text

B. print your document

C. zoom each page

D. all of the above

Q13 Which of the following formating options is not available on the Tables and Borders toolbar?

A. border color

B. aligning text at the centre of a cell

C. fill color

D. all are formating options on the Tables and Borders toolbar.

Q14 To align numbers with the same number of decimal points in the table column

A. set a decimal tab stop

B. right-align the numbers

C. centre-align the numbers

D. a and b

Q15 Word inserts a formula as

A. numbers

B. a field code

C. values

D. text

Q16 If you change a document and then try to close the Word application, the Word will

A. ignore any changes to the document

B. automatically save the changes without a message prompt

C. display a message prompting you to save changes

D. close without saving any changes to the document.

Q17 Which of the following special characters can be used in a filename?

A. the semicolon (;)

B. the hyphen (-)

C. the period (.)

D. the asterick (*)

Q18 After you create a document, you may need to

A. close it

B. save it

C. print it

D. all of the above

Q19 The horizontal ruler provides features you can use to

A. record a macro

B. display the next page of a document

C. move the insertion point below the end-of-file market

D. none of the above.

Q20 The Select Object Browse button is located

A. below the vertical scroll bar

B. on the menu bar

C. on the formatting toolbar

D. below the standard toolbar

Q21 To preserve any change to the document currently displayed on your screen, you should

A. close the application

B. open a new document

C. move the document to null screen

D. save the document frequently

Q22 The insertion point

A. provides features for changing margins, tabs and indentations

B. indicate the location where text is entered in a document

C. is located under the Standard toolbar and has shortcut buttons

D. all of the above.

Q23 The Word Wrap feature

A. Automatically move text to the next line when necessary

B. appears at the bottom of the document

C. allows you to type over text

D. none of the above

Q24 To conserve computer resources, when you have completely finished with a document you should

A. close it

B. save it

C. type it

D. edit it

Q25 The following toolbars display in the Word application window by default

A. Standard toolbar

B. drawing toolbar

C. formatting toolbar

D. a and c

Q26 Which key or key combination will move the insertion point to the bottom of your document ?




D. None of the above

Q27 To display hyperlink fields in a Word document, you can press the


B. SHIFT+F9 keys


D. none of the above

Q28 Hyperlinks can be created between a Word document and

A. another word document

B. another office 97 documents

C. a web page on the WWW

D. all of the above

Q29 To cut or copy text you must first

A. click the Remove/Duplicate button

B. click the Copy or Cut command

C. click the Edit menu

D. none of the above

Q30 You can display the Find and Replace dialog box by using the

A. CTRL+G keys

B. F5 keys

C. Find or Replace commands

D. Select browsw objects button

Q31 When you right-drag selected text, you can

A. delete text

B. link text

C. copy text

D. move text

Q32 The drag-and-drop feature allows you to

A. switch from insert to Overtype mode

B. move and copy text using the mouse

C. move and copy text using the Clipborad

D. none of the above

Q33 The clipboard is

A. used to temporarily store items that have been cut or copied

B. a reserved place in the memory of the computer

C. located below the status bar

D. b and c

Q34 You can search a Word document for

A. formatting

B. special characters

C. words

D. a, b and c

Q35 The "Use smart cut and paste" option

A. inserts a special symbol at the end of each document

B. copies text in a documents without using the Clipboard

C. adds or deletes spaces as needed when pasting text

D. copies text to the Clipboard

Q36 You can move and copy text

A. within a Word document

B. between office 97 applications

C. between Word documents

D. a, b and c

Q37 AutoText entries

A. can be deleated

B. can be edited

C. are saved with the Normal template

D. a, b and c

Q38 The Spike

A. allows you to combine text from several documents and then insert all the text into one document at one time

B. allows you to edit Auto Text entries

C. allow you to format Auto Text enteries

D. b and c

Q39 You can insert an Auto Text entry

A. with the Auto Complete feature

B. with the F3 key

C. with the AutoText subcommand on the insert menu

D. a, b and c

Q40 When you create an Auto text entry

A. you can save it with the current template

B. you should keep the name short

C. you must assign it a unique name

D. a, b and c

Q41 The auto Complete feature

A. presents a tip box with contents you can insert by pressing the ENTER key

B. checks the style of the document

C. checks the readability of the document

D. check the spelling in the document

Q42 The Spelling and Grammar tool

A. indicates grammatical errors

B. corrects spelling errors as you type

C. identifies words with capitalization problems

D. a, b and c

Q43 The Thesaurus tool

A. finds repeated word on the document

B. adds new words to the custom dictionary

C. checks for misspelted words as you type

D. none of the above

Q44 The AutoCorrect tools

A. provides statistics about your document

B. display words with the same or similar meaning

C. check the grammar in the document

D. check the misspelted words as you type and underlines them.

Q45 Which of the following is not an option for changing the case of text?

A. indent case

B. sentence case

C. toggle case

D. uppercase

Q46 Italicizing allows you to emphasize text by

A. adding a blinking background

B. slanting the text to the left

C. placing the text above the baseline

D. slanting the text to the right

Q47 Character spacing option are found in the

A. Auto Text dialog box

B. formatting dialog box

C. Autocorrect dialog box

D. none of the above

Q48 The bold, Underline, and Italic buttons on the Formatting toolbar

A. apply formats that emphasize text.

B. are toggle switches that apply or remove formats

C. are turned on by defaults

D. a and b.

Q49 You can apply a double underline to text with

A. the underline list box in the Fond dialog box

B. the underline button on the Formatting toolbar

C. the Subscript option in the Font dialog fox

D. none of the above

Q50 When you use the Repeat command on the Edit menu to repeat formats applied from the Formatting toolbar

A. only the last format is applied

B. the text is changed to uppercase

C. none of the formats are repeated

D. all the formats are repeated

Q51 You can copy character formats by

A. using the True Type fonts

B. selecting the text and pressing the DELETE key

C. using the Find command on the Edit menu

D. using the Format Painter tool

Q52 Typeface reffer to

A. the dencity of the characters

B. the design and appearance of the characters

C. the slant of the characters

D. the height of the characters

Q53 Which of the following is not a tab-stop alignment?

A. Bar

B. Decimal

C. Justify

D. Right

Q54 Header and footers are

A. text that appears only in Print Preview

B. text that appears on every page above or below the body text

C. text that appears only in Online Layout view

D. none of the above

Q55 Which of the following is not paragraph formatting?

A. Alignment

B. Line spacing

C. margins

D. Boldface

Q56 You can indent selected text by

A. clicking the Decrease indent button

B. clicking the increase indent button

C. dragging an indent marker on the horizontal ruler

D. all of the above

Q57 You can display margins in text on the horizontal or vertical ruler with the mouse end

A. the ALT key

B. the Front Size button

C. The DELETE key


Q58 Which of the following items is not a default setting?

A. no headers or footers

B. single line spacing

C. Tabs every 0.25"

D. Left text alignment.

Q59 When you display your document in Full Screen view

A. You cannot use the menu or shortcut menu commands

B. you see the Previous Page and Next Page buttons

C. the title bar, status bar, menu barm scroll bars, taskbar and toolbars are displayed.

D. you can view more typing area in your document

Q60 Which of the following is not an editing view?

A. Online Layout view

B. Full Screen view

C. Format view

D. Normal view

Q61 Which of the following options is not an option in the Print dialog box?

A. Print selected pages

B. Print selected text

C. Set the paper orientation

D. print to file

Q62 You can view and change print options by clicking the

A. Set Print options button in the Print dialog box

B. Print Options command on the Print Preview menu

C. Option commands on the Tools menu

D. Print commands on the File menu

Q63 You can decrease your document by one page by using the

A. shrink to Fit button

B. Fiy to One Page button

C. Magnifier button

D. Minimize buttons

Q64 To update a formula in a table, press the

A. F9 key

B. ALT+F9 key

C. SHIFT+F9 key

D. F8 key

Q65 You can create a table with

A. the insert table button on the Standard toolbar

B. the Draw table command on the table menu

C. The Insert Table command on the Table menu

D. a and d

Q66 You can move the insertion point in a table

A. with the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys

B. with the SHIFT+TAB keys

C. with the TAB key

D. all of the above

Q67 A table

A. is a grid organized in columns and rows

B. is a method of organising data in your document

C. can be created and modified with a button on the Standard toolbar

D. b and c

Q68 The four types of Mail Merge main documents are

A. Form Letters, Directories, Cataloge and Envelopes

B. From Letters, Envelopes and Mailing lables, Directories, and Lists

C. Basic Letters, Envelopes, lables, and Lists

D. From Letters, Envelopes, Mailing Lables, and Catalog.

Q69 Which of the following is not of the merge process?

A. Preview the merge results

B. Format a main document

C. Edit a data source

D. Create a data source

Q70 In the merge process, you can

A. preview a merge

B. merge directly to a printer

C. merge to a new document

D. a, b and c

Q71 Data fields

A. may be left empity

B. separate data into many logical parts

C. may contain multiple lines of the text

D. all of the the above

Q72 A data source consists of

A. header row

B. data fields

C. data records

D. all of the above

Q73 Which of the following is not part of the merge process?

A. date dield

B. merge fields

C. data sources

D. main document

Q74 you can print only an embedded chart by

A. moving the chart toa chart sheet before you print

B. formatting the chart before you print

C. selecting the chart before you print

D. a and c

Q75 Data markers on a chart are linked to data points in a worksheets, therefore,

A. you can automatically apply formatting to a data series

B. you can change the position of a data marker and automatically change the data point value in the worksheet

C. you can change a data point value and automatically redraw the chart

D. a and b

Q76 To select an individual data marker or data label, you must

A. double-click the data series

B. right-click the selected marker

C. double-click the marker or label

D. none of the above

Q77 using the F11 shortcut key to create a chart on a chart sheet creates

A. a defaut chart

B. a 2-dimensional column chart

C. a 2-dimensional bar chart

D. a 3-dimensional line chart

Q78 You can create hyperlinks from an Excel workbook to

A. a Web page on company Intranet

B. a Web page on the Internet

C. other Excel workbooks

D. all of the above

Q79 To drag a selected range of data to another worksheet in the same workbook, use the

A. TAB key

B. ALT key

C. SHIFT key

D. CTRL key

Q80 You can group noncontiguous worksheets with

A. The Group button on the Standard toolbar

B. The SHIFT key and the mouse

C. The CTRL key and the mouse

D. none of the above

Q81 When you group worksheets

A. you can enter variable data on multiple worksheets at one time

B. you can print more than one worksheet at a time

C. you can enter common data, formats, and formulas on multiple worksheets at one time

D. b and c

Q82 The drag-and-drop-method of copying or moving data

A. can we used betwwn worksheets but not workbooks

B. can be used between workbooks but not worksheets

C. can be used between worksheets

D. c and d

Q83 A 3-D reference in a formula

A. cannot be modified

B. only appears on summary worksheets

C. limits the formatting options

D. spans worksheets

Q84 Which of the following methods cannot be used to edit the contents of a cell?

A. pressing the ALT key

B. clicking the formula bar

C. pressing the F2 key

D. none of the above

Q85 Which of the following methods cannot be used to enter data in a cell?

A. pressing an arrow key

B. pressing an TAB key

C. pressing an ESC key

D. pressing an ENTER key

Q86 You can use the horizontal and vertical scroll bars to

A. split a worksheets into two panes

B. view different rows and columns

C. edit the contents of a cell

D. none of the above

Q87 When the formula bar is activated, you can see

A. the edit Formula button

B. the Cancel button

C. the Enter button

D. all of the above

Q88 Status indicators are located on the

A. vertical scroll bar

B. horizontal scroll bar

C. formula bar

D. standard toolbar

Q89 You can activate a cell by

A. pressing the TAB key

B. clicking the cell

C. pressing an arrow key

D. all of the above

Q90 Each Excel file is callled a workbook because

A. it cfan contain text and data

B. it can be modified

C. it can contain many sheets including worksheets and chart sheets

D. you have to work hard to create

Q91 Which of the following is not a basic step in creating a worksheet?

A. save the workbook

B. modify the worksheet

C. enter text and data

D. copy the worksheet

Q92 Tab scrolling buttons

A. allow you to view a different worksheet

B. allow you to view additional worksheet rows down

C. allow you to view additional worksheet columns to the right

D. allow you to view additional sheet tabs

Q93 The name Box

A. Shows the location of the previously active cell

B. appears to the left of the formula bar

C. appears below the status bar

D. appear below the menu bar

Q94 Documentation should include

A. destination and users of the output data

B. source of input data

C. information on the purpose of the workbook

D. all of the above

Q95 which of the following is not a worksheet design criterio?

A. efficiency

B. auditibility

C. description

D. clarity

Q96 to center worksheet titles across a range of cells, you must

A. select the cells containing the title text and use the fill handle to center the text across a range of cells

B. widen the columns

C. select the cells containing the title text plus the range over which the title text is to be centered

D. format the cells with the Comma Style

Q97 You can use the formula palette to

A. format cells containing numbers

B. create and edit formulas containing functions

C. enter assumptions data

D. copy a range of cells

Q98 to activate the previous cell in a preselected range,press

A. the ALT key

B. the TAB key

C. the Enter key

D. none of the above

Q99 you can select a single range of cells by

A. clicking the upper -left cells in a group of cells and then pressing the SHIFT key while clicking the lower-right cell in a group of cells

B. pressing the CTRL key while dragging over the desired cells

C. pressing the SHIFT key and an arrow key

D. dragging over the desired cells

Q100 rounding errors can occur

A. when you use multiplication,division,or exponentiation in a formula

B. when you use addition and subtraction is a formula

C. because Excel uses hidden decimal palces in computation

D. when you show the results of formula with different decimal palces than the calculated results

Q101 the autocalculate feature

A. can only add values in a range of cells

B. provides a quick way to view the results of an arithmetic operation on a range of cells

C. automatically creates formulas and adds then to a worksheet

D. a and c

Q102 which of the following is correct order of precedence in a formula calculation

A. multiplication and divison,exponentiation,positive and negative values

B. multiplication and division,positve and negative values,addtion and aubtraction

C. addtition and subtraction,positie and negative values,exponentiation

D. none of the above

Q103 in a worksheet you can select

A. the entire worksheet

B. rows

C. columns

D. a,b and c

Q104 the autofill feature

A. extends a sequential series of data

B. automatically adda a range of cell values

C. applies a border aroud selected cells

D. none of the above

Q105 you can copy data of formulas

A. with the copy,paste wnd cut commands on the edit menu

B. with commands on a shortcut menu

C. with button on the Standard toolbar

D. a,b,cand d

Q106 to view a cell comment

A. click the edit comment command on the insert menu

B. click the display comment command on the window menu

C. position the mouse pointer over the celll

D. click the comment command on the view menu

Q107 to hold row and column titles in place so that they do not scroll when you scroll a worksheet,click the

A. unfreeze panes command on the window menu

B. freeze panes command on the window menu

C. hold titles command on the edit menu

D. spilt command on the window menu

Q108 to copy cell contents using drag-and-drop press the

A. END key

B. SHIFT key

C. ESC key

D. none of the above

Q109 you can use the format painter multiple times before you turn it off by

A. you can use the format painter button only one time when you click it

B. double-clicking the format painter button

C. pressing the CTRL key and clicking the format painter button

D. pressing the ALT key and clicking the format painter button

Q110 it is acceptable to let long text flow into adjacent cells on a worksheet when

A. data willl be entered in the adjacent cells

B. no data will be entered in the adjacent cells

C. there is no suitable abbreviation for the text

D. there is not time to format the text

Q111 you can use the drag-and-drop method to

A. copy cell contents

B. delete cell contents

C. add cell contents

D. a and d

Q112 to insert three columns between column D and E,you would

A. select column D

B. select column E

C. select column E,F and G

D. select columns D,E and F

Q113 which of the following is not an underline option in the format cells dialog box

A. double

B. single engineeriing

C. single accounting

D. double accounting

Q114 weight refers to

A. the print density of characters

B. the height of the printed characters

C. upright or slanted shape

D. the design and appearance of characters

Q115 which of the following is not an option in the spelling dialog box

A. edit

B. ignore

C. ignore all

D. change

Q116 you can create only a horizontal page break by first selecting

A. a row below the row where you want the page break to occur

B. a cell in row 1

C. a cell in column A

D. a and c

Q117 when working in page break preview you can

A. view exactly where each page break occurs

B. add or remove page breaks

C. change the print area

D. a,b and c

Q118 when you work with large worksheets, you may need to

A. size the worksheet to fit on a specific number o f pages

B. add abd remove page breaks

C. specify only certain print areas

D. a,b,and c

Q119 the default header for a worksheet is

A. your name

B. the date and time

C. none

D. the sheet tab name

Q120 you can zoom a worksheet

A. with the mouse pointer in print preview

B. with the Zoom button on the print preview toolbar

C. with the zoom command on the view menu

D. a,b,and c

Q121 which of the following setup options cannnot be set in the page setup dialog box

A. printer selection

B. vertical or horizontal placement

C. orientation

D. row and column titles

Q122 when you print preview a worksheet

A. the entire worksheet is displayed

B. the selected range is dispalyed

C. the active portion of the worksheet is displayed

D. a.b.and c

Q123 when creating a vertical page break

A. the active cell must be A1

B. the active cell can be anywhere in the worksheet

C. the active cell must be in row 1

D. the active cell must be in column a

Q124 gridlines

A. may be turned off for display but turned on for printing

B. may be turned on or off for printing

C. may be turned off for display and printing

D. a,b,and c

Q125 you can print

A. a range of cells by range name

B. an entire workbook

C. a single worksheet

D. all of the above

Q126 the chart wizard

A. can place a chart on a new chart sheet or an any sheet in the workbook

B. can only place a chart on a new chart sheet

C. can only place a chart on a new blank worksheet

D. can only be used to create embedded charts

Q127 graphic objects on a chart are used to

A. add emphasis to chart data

B. add interest to a chart

C. help explain the chart data

D. a.b and c

Q128 when you use the fill effects in the format data series dialog box you cannnot

A. rotate text on the chart

B. select a foreground color

C. select a pattern

D. select a background color

Q129 you can insert labels for

A. all the data markers on a chart

B. a data series

C. a selected data marker

D. a,b and c

Q130 chart tips can

A. show the formatting of a data label

B. show the name of a data series

C. show the value of a data point

D. b and c

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MCQ Questions, ihkcl.in
MCQ Questions, ihkcl.in
MCQ Questions, ihkcl.in
MCQ Questions, ihkcl.in
MCQ Questions, ihkcl.in