Q1 SCM tasks can be defined by which way

A. Identification,version control , change control , configuration auditing and reporting

B. Requirement analysis , design , coding , testing and implementation

C. Database design , object design , GUI design , test case design

D. None of the above

Q2 Function point metric is used for

A. Predict the size of Data flow diagram(DFD)

B. Predicting the size of a system that will be derived from the analysis model

C. Predict the Kilo line of code to be written

D. Predict the size of hardware & software

Q3 The key measures required for computation of the function point metric

A. Number of user i/p

B. Number of user o/p

C. number of user inquiries

D. All of the above

Q4 What is first stage of SDLC

A. Recognition of need preliminary survey / intial investigation

B. Detailed evaluation of present system and data collection

C. Design output , input

D. Imlementation

Q5 Arrange files , record,database,dataitems in hierarchy order

A. Fie,Database,Dataitem,Record

B. Database,Files,Record,Dataitems

C. Database,Dataitem,Files,Record

D. Dataitem,File,Database,Record

Q6 Logical views of data

A. is what the data look like

B. is how the data stored in memory

C. is what the data behave

D. is same as physical view of data in all conditions

Q7 What is the full form of CMM

A. Capability Maturity Model

B. Capability Management Model

C. Control Management Model

D. None of the above

Q8 SDLC stands for

A. Software development life cycle

B. S/W development life control

C. System development life control

D. none of the above

Q9 Which of the following types of decision makingwould depend heavily on real-time information

A. strategic

B. tactical

C. operational

D. non programming

Q10 Environmental information is especially important to

A. top level manages

B. middle level managers

C. low level majanagers

D. all of the above

Q11 Which of the following is not true of operational decisions?

A. concern the execution of specific tasks

B. primarily made by middle management

C. usually have preset standards

D. include acceptance or rejection of credit

Q12 An organisation containing manufacturing, marketing, and finance areas is called a

A. matrix organizatrion

B. flow network organization

C. modular organization

D. functional organization

Q13 Which of the following is a component of an expert system?

A. explanation module

B. knowledge base

C. natural language interface for the user

D. all of the above

Q14 Which of the following statement is the most accurate?

A. The degree to which information needs to be osummarized increases as one move up through the management levels

B. low level managers made unstructured decisions

C. upper manager need general information about operating activities

D. middle manager make unstructured decisions

Q15 Information is produced by processing data from which of the following sources?

A. data provided by higher levels of management

B. data provided by lower olevels of management

C. internally generated data

D. all of the above

Q16 Which of the following is generally true about management reports?

A. low-level managers need information in the form of detailed reports

B. reports can be issued ondemand periodically, or on othe occurrence of a specific event

C. middle managers use exception reports

D. all of the above

Q17 The use of computer in data processing has had several impacts on business. Which of the following is not one of them?

A. easier busines growth

B. fewer clerical works

C. increased data -processing costs

D. more and better information

Q18 Which of the following types of decision making would depend heavilyb on real-time information

A. strategic

B. tactical

C. operational

D. non programmable

Q19 whichof the following is a tactical decision?

A. capital-source decision

B. product decision

C. plant-location decision

D. budget allocation

Q20 The computer is a part of the firm's

A. physical system

B. conceptual system

C. both a and b

D. neither a nor b

Q21 The model base contains programs

A. written by firm's programmers

B. provided by the computer vendor

C. purchased from outside firms, such as software houses

D. all of the above

Q22 Data base preparation would be most difficult in a(n)

A. super market

B. hospital

C. college or university

D. bank

Q23 Encryption is being used primarily with

A. transaction entry

B. computer processing

C. file retention

D. data communication

Q24 The trhee dimensions of system integrity do not include

A. accuracy

B. security

C. appropriateness

D. completenss

Q25 Long range planning reports produced in an MIS are primarily designed for

A. top management

B. middle management

C. lower management

D. a and c

Q26 Data collection terminals are used to report the activity of

A. material flow

B. machine use

C. manpower use

D. all of the above

Q27 In an experiment in which a new drug was being tested on 1000 rats. Which one of the following would a computer be least able to do ?

A. keep records of the dosages and the dates the drug was given toeach rat

B. determine the total dosage that had been given to each rat

C. determine thetotal amoutn of drug and had been given to all 100 rats

D. decide whether the drug was safe enough for use on humans

Q28 An inventory management system shold answer thequestion

A. what and why

B. when and how much

C. where and when

D. who and why

Q29 Functional information subsystems can be classified into

A. input and output subsystems

B. processing and output subsystems

C. input and processing subsystems

D. input processing & output subsystems

Q30 The two functional areas concerned with material flow are

A. production and marketing

B. manufacturing and pruchasing

C. marketing and finance

D. manufacturing and finance

Q31 Linerar programming identifies

A. the optimum quantities of the variables

B. the maximum profit of minimum cost that can be expected

C. both a and b

D. neither a nor b

Q32 A greater proportion of time is spent in directing on the

A. top management level

B. middle management level

C. lower management level

D. none of theabove

Q33 Which of the following is not true of the EDP Auditors' Foundation

A. It is professional associationofthose auditors who specialize in EDP auditing

B. It publishing a journal, The EDP Auditor

C. It sponsors the CISA examination

D. it is a member of the AFIPS

Q34 A greater proportion of time is spend in planning on the

A. top management level

B. midle management level

C. lower management level

D. none of the above

Q35 The outline, softcopy displayed of a customer's charge account to respond to an inquiry is an example of a (n)

A. regularly scheduled report

B. on-demand report

C. exception reprot

D. forecasting report

Q36 Administrative supervision of the activities relating to a database is the responsibility of the:

A. DP manager

B. Database administrator

C. VP-DP Administration

D. DB manager

Q37 An MIS can be developed by

A. a fire department

B. a college testing service

C. an ocean transportation company

D. all of the above

Q38 MIS constraints are imposed by

A. the firm's managers

B. the firm's finance

C. the evironment

D. all of the above

Q39 The study project proposal

A. estimates the effect the MIS will have on company profits

B. estimates the costs of studying the feasibility of an MIS in detail

C. both a and b

D. neither a nor b

Q40 The bars in a bar chart are represented by the

A. rectangles in a network diagram

B. arrows in a network diagram

C. triangles in a network diagram

D. none of the above

Q41 The characteristics of strategic decisions include all of the following except:

A. they are structured

B. they are future oriented

C. they have a high level of uncertainty

D. they are concerned with long-range plans

Q42 Which of the following is a tactical decision?

A. capital-source decision

B. product decision

C. plant-location decision

D. budget allocation

Q43 Which of the following statements is the most accurate?

A. The degree to which information needs to be summarized increases as one moves up through the management levels

B. Low-level managers made unstructured decisions

C. Upper managers make unstructured decisions

D. Low-level managers need general information about operating activities

Q44 The MIS consists of

A. the central processing unit of the computer only

B. the central processing unit of the computer and input/output units only

C. the central processing unit of the computer, input/output units, and data storage units only

D. none of the above

Q45 The MIS structure with one main computer system is called a:

A. distributed MIS structure

B. hierarchical MIS structure

C. centralized MIS structure

D. decentralized MIS structure

Q46 The manager, in using the systems approach, should subdivide the firm into subsystems based on

A. functional areas-marketing, finance and manufacturing

B. Management levels-strategic, tactical, and operational

C. resource flows-manpower, money, machines, and material

D. any of the above represent acceptable subsystem divisions.

Q47 A language for stimulating models of business activity is:


B. DL/1



Q48 Functional subsystems are connected by

A. resource flows

B. decision flows

C. information flows

D. data flows

Q49 The parts of a system may be analyzed in the sequence

A. outputs, objectives, management, information processor, input, transformation

B. objectives, outputs, management, information processor, input, transformation

C. objectives, outputs, information processor, management, input, transformation

D. outputs, inputs, objectives, management, information processor, transformation

Q50 The limits imposed by the firm itself or its environment on the decision-maker are called

A. parameters

B. constraints

C. constructs

D. perimeters

Q51 Ultimately, internal constraints can be traced to limits on

A. manpower

B. money

C. machines

D. material

Q52 In applying the systems approach, the manager proceeds from the

A. super system to the system to the subsystem level

B. system to the supersystem to the subsystem level

C. subsystem to the system to the supersystem level

D. supersystem to the supersystem to the system level

Q53 If you are an inforationsystem manager, which organization is most appropriate for yourinterest?





Q54 Individuals who intend topursue a career as an information system manager should have:

A. technicalexpertise ininformation systems

B. ability to communicate in written form

C. human relations skills

D. all three of the above

Q55 The characteristics of strategic decisions include all od the following except

A. they are structured

B. they are future oriented

C. they have a high level of I = uncertainty

D. they are cencerned with long-range plans

Q56 Which of the following is a component of an expert system?

A. explanation module

B. knowledge base

C. natural language interface for the user

D. all of the above

Q57 A person who has theresponsibility for development of a new product(such as instant coffee) in a firm is called a

A. brand manager

B. project manager

C. market manager

D. development manager

Q58 The DBA is

A. aperson

B. a computer device

C. a communicationtechnique

D. none of the above

Q59 Which of thefollowing abilities is required for both the system programmer and the EDP auditor?

A. knowledge in computer science

B. knowledge in accounting applications

C. knowledge in informaion systems

D. two of the above

Q60 An information system that responds immediately to the needs of the physical system is called a (n)

A. inline system

B. on line system

C. offline system

D. realtime system

Q61 The relationship between the computer and quantittative techniques can be said to be a

A. symbiotic one

B. synergistic one

C. syntheticd one

D. syntactical on

Q62 Quantitative techniques used tosolve business problems are called

A. operations science

B. operations management

C. operations research

D. management operations

Q63 Example(s) Personnel Action Data System(s) is (are) the

A. insurance claims processing system

B. unemployment insurance claims control system

C. placement data systems

D. all of the above

Q64 The employee profile report is used by

A. the individual department

B. the personnel department

C. the manager

D. all of the above

Q65 Data intgrity refers to

A. the privacy of data

B. the simplicity of data

C. the validity of data

D. she security of data

Q66 It is of no advantage touse a database management system to support personnel Administration Data systems because only one file- the employee file-is inolved

A. True

B. False

C. nil

D. nil

Q67 Which of the following is (are) true concerning information ystem carreers?

A. the number ofinformation systemspecialists recruited is expected tobe greater than any other profession in the 1990s

B. The primary reason for this increase is thedeclining cost of hardware

C. an information system career is one of the few areas that is recession proof

D. two of the above

Q68 A person who has a high-school diploma would be least likely toobtain which of the following jobs?

A. librarian

B. computer operator

C. data entry operator

D. programmer

Q69 Corporate modeling languages often doprovide for

A. model definition

B. report specification

C. DML commands

D. editing

Q70 Which of the following is (are) true of system analysts

A. They are heavily involved with the system-development life cycel

B. their responsibility isto analyze and design system software

C. they may be looked upon as an inter-mediary between users and programmers

D. two of the above

Q71 The major responsibilities of thedata base administrator are all of the folloiwng except

A. analyzing application systems

B. designing data bases

C. developing data dictionaries

D. advising programmers

Q72 In which area are job openings expected todecline in the future

A. computer operator

B. data-entry-operator

C. system programmer

D. application programmer

Q73 Which of the followng is most likely to occur in the near future

A. most workers will choose working at home so thetraditional working at home, so the traditional workplace will disappear

B. the political issue ofestablishing an information-assistance program will be raised

C. the presidential election will be done by pushing buttons at home

D. all of the above

Q74 An MIS provides

A. past information

B. present information

C. future information

D. all of the above

Q75 Logical models form the basis for computing systems that generate informationuseful in dealing with

A. uncertain situations

B. complex situations

C. dynamic situations

D. all of the above

Q76 Computing system most often facilitate planning because they

A. Enable an appropriate data processing system to provide answers quickly

B. make itpossible to solve complex problems

C. make it possible totake into account many possibilities in anuncertain situation

D. all of the above

Q77 Assembly languages are most commonly used towrite computing systems that provide

A. supervisory information

B. planning information

C. priority settinginformation

D. all of the above

Q78 …….decisions concern the execcution of specific tasks to assure that they are

A. tactical

B. strategic

C. operational

D. management

Q79 Standards are provided by

A. user groups

B. computer vendors

C. standards organizations

D. all of the above

Q80 Which of the following is considered to be an iterface between functional applications and the data base

A. management information systems

B. data base management system

C. decision-support systems

D. data processing systems

Q81 Error reports are an example of

A. scheduled reports

B. demand reports

C. exception reports

D. predictive reports

Q82 Which of the following is not one of the qualitative characteristics that informtion must have

A. relevance

B. retrievability

C. timeliness

D. all of the above should be met

Q83 Computer information system are most successful in providing information for

A. control decisions

B. planning decisions

C. strategic decisions

D. non programmable decisions

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MCQ Questions, ihkcl.in