Q1 The task(s) of the lexial analysis phase is (are)A. to parse the source program into the basic elements or tokens of the language B. to build a literaltable and an indentifier table C. to build a uniform symbol table D. all of the above |
Q2 Which is a permanent data base in the general model of compiler?A. Literal Table B. Identifier Table C. Terminal Table Source Code D. None of the above |
Q3 While running DOS on a PC, which command would be used to duplicate the entire diskette?A. COPY B. DISKCOPY C. CHKDSK D. TYPE |
Q4 Which of the following filename extension suggests that the file is a backup compy of another file?A. TXT B. COM C. BAS D. BAK |
Q5 The LRU algorithmA. Pages out pages that have been used recently B. pages out pages that have not been used recently C. pages out pages that have been least used recently D. pages out the first page in a give area |
Q6 System programs such as compilers are designed so that they areA. reenterable B. non reusable C. serially usable D. recursive |
Q7 System generationsA. is always quite simple B. is always very difficult C. varies in difficulty between systems D. requires extensive tools to be understandable |
Q8 Object codeA. is ready to execute B. is the output of compilers, but not assemblers C. must be "loaded" before execution D. must be rewritten before execution |
Q9 Which of the following statements is not trueA. time sharing is an example of multi programming B. JCL is used only to communicate between systems programmers C. a batch file contains a series of operating system commands D. none of the above |
Q10 What sheduling algorithm allows processes that are logical runnable to be temporarily suspended?A. preemtive scheduling B. non-preemptive scheduling C. FIFP D. FCFS |
Q11 Which of the following is true for machine languageA. Repeated execution of program segments B. Depicting flow of data ina system C. A sequence of instructions which, when followed properly, solves a problem D. none of the above |
Q12 which of thefollowing capabilities is required for a system program to executed more than one program at a time?A. word processing B. compiling C. virutal memory D. multitasking |
Q13 A flowchart that uses predefined symbols to describe data flow in a system is known asA. program flowchart B. system flowchart C. data flow diagram D. all of the above |
Q14 A program that converts a high-level language program to a set of instructions that can run on a computer is called aA. compiler B. debugger C. editro D. all of the above |
Q15 The initial value of the semaphore that allows only one of the amny processes to enter their critical sectrions, isA. 8 B. 1 C. 16 D. 0 |
Q16 The principles of structured programming forbid the use ofA. WHILE DO B. GO TO C. IF-THEN-ELSE D. DO-WHILE |
Q17 Which of the following, is necessary to work on a computerA. compiler B. operating system C. assembly D. interpreter of the above |
Q18 Dividing a project into segments and smaller units in order to simplity the analysis, design and programming efforts is known asA. modular approach B. topdown approach C. bottom up approach D. left right approach |
Q19 The errors that can be pointed out by the compiler areA. Syntax errors B. Logical errors C. internal errors D. Semantic errors |
Q20 In a magnetic disk, data is recorded in aset of conncentric tracks which are subdivided intoA. periods B. sectors C. zones D. groups |
Q21 The FIFO algorithmA. executes first the job that last entered the queue B. executes first the job that first entered the queue C. execute first the job that has been in the queue thelongest D. executes first the job with the least processor needs |
Q22 Which of follwing is/are the advantage(s) of modular programming?A. The program is much easier tochange B. Modules can be reused in other programs C. easy debugging D. eas6y to compile |
Q23 The linkerA. is the same as the loader B. is required to create a load module C. uses source code as input D. is always used before programs are executed |
Q24 A characterstic of an on-line real- time system isA. More than one CPU B. No delay in processing C. Off line batch processing D. All of the above |
Q25 The rigister or main memory location which contains the effective address of the operand is known asA. pointer B. indexed register C. special location D. scratch pad |
Q26 The user interfaceA. is relatively unimportant B. is slanted toward novice users C. supports both novice and experienced users D. is easy to provide, even with good support |
Q27 The primary purpose of an operating systems is toA. make computer easier to use B. keep system programmers employed C. make the most efficient use of the hardware D. allow people to sue the computers |
Q28 Multiprogramming systemsA. are easier to develop than single programming system B. execute each job faster C. execute more jobs in othe same time period D. none of the above |
Q29 Spooling is most beneficial in a multiprogramming environement whereA. most jobs are CPU bound B. most jobs are I/O bound C. jobs are evenly divided as I/O bound and CPU bound D. there is limited primary memory and need for secondary memory |
Q30 Software that measures, monitors, analyzes, and controls real-world events is calledA. system software B. scientific software C. business software D. none of the above |
Q31 which of the following is false about disk when compared to main memoryA. non-volatile B. longer storage capacity C. lower price per bit D. faster |
Q32 The strategy of allowing processes that are logically runnable tobe temporarily suspended is calledA. Premptive scheduling B. Non preemptive scheduling C. Shortest job first D. First come first served |
Q33 The operating system managesA. Memory B. processor C. Disks/ and I/O devices D. all of the above |
Q34 In analyzing the compilation of PL/I program, the description "resolving symbolic address (labels) and generating machine language" is associated withA. Assembly and output B. Code generation C. Storage assignment D. syntax analysis |
Q35 Which of the following tables is a permanent databases that has an entry for each terminal symbol ?A. Terminal table B. Literal table C. Identifier table D. Reductions |
Q36 A relocate program form is one whichA. cannot be made to execute in any area of storage other than the one designated for it at the time of its coding or translation B. consists of a program and relevant information for its relocation C. can itself performs the relocation of its address-sensitive portions D. all of the above |
Q37 What is the name given to the software which can be legally compiled and often used for free ?A. Shareware program B. Public domain program C. Firmware program D. Mindware |
Q38 Which of the following might be used to convert high-level language instructions into machine language ?A. system software B. application software C. an operating environment D. an interpreter |
Q39 What is the name of the system which deals with the running of the actual computer and not with the programming problems ?A. operating system B. System program C. Object program D. Source program |
Q40 If you want to execute more than one program at a time, the system software you are using must be capable of :A. word processing B. virtual memory C. compiling D. multitasking |
Q41 In which addressing mode the contents of a register specified in the instruction are first decremented, and then these contents are used as the effective address of the operands ?A. index addressing B. indirect addressing C. auto increment D. auto decrement |
Q42 A compiler for a high-level language that runs one machine and produces code for a different machine is calledA. optimizing compiler B. one pass compiler C. cross compiler D. multipass compiler |
Q43 An algorithm is best described asA. A computer language B. A step by step procedure for solving a problem C. A branch of mathematics D. All of the above |
Q44 Which of the following is true for testing and debugging ?A. Testing checks for logical errors in the program, while debugging is a process of correcting those errors in the program B. Testing detects the syntax errors in the program while debugging corrects those errors in the program C. Testing and debugging indicate the same thing D. All of the above |
Q45 Daisy chain is a device forA. connecting a number of controllers to a device B. connecting a number of devices to a controller C. interconnecting a number of devices to a number of controllers D. all of these |
Q46 Information in a memory that is no longer valid or wanted is known asA. non-volatile B. volatile C. surplus D. garbage |
Q47 The most common security failure isA. carelessness by users B. depending on passwords C. too much emphasis on preventing physical access D. insufficient technology used to prevent breaches |
Q48 Capacity planningA. requires detailed system performance information B. is independent of the operating system C. does not depend on the monitoring tools available D. is not needed in small installations. |
Q49 Memory management isA. not used in modern operating system B. replaced with virtual memory on current systems C. not used on multiprogramming systems D. critical fro even the simplest operating systems |
Q50 Which of the following capabilities is required for a system program to execute more than one program at a time ?A. word processing B. compiling C. virtual memory D. multitasking |
Q51 Which of the following statement is false ?A. the technique of storage compaction involves moving all occupied areas of storage to one end or other of main storage B. compaction does not involve relocation of programs C. compaction is also know as garbage collection D. the system must stop everything while if performs the compaction |
Q52 The dispatcherA. actually schedules the tasks into the processor B. puts tasks in I/O wait C. is always small and simple D. never changes task priorities. |
Q53 Four necessary conditions for deadlock that exist are: mutual exclusion, non-preemption, circular wait andA. hold and wait B. deadlock avoidance C. race around condition D. buffer overflow |
Q54 Seeks analysisA. is used for analyzing paging problems B. is used for analyzing device busy problems C. is used for analyzing control-unit busy problems D. is only shown on real-time displays |
Q55 The file structure that redefines its first record at a base of zero uses the term:A. relative organization B. key fielding C. dynamic reallocation D. hashing |
Q56 A loader isA. a program that places programs into memory and prepares them for execution B. a program that automate the translation of assembly language into machine language C. program that accepts a program written in a high level languages and produces an object program D. is a program that appears to execute a source program as if it were machine language. |
Q57 The Memory Buffer Register (MBR)A. is a hardware memory device which denotes the location of the current instruction being executed B. is a group of electrical circuits (hardware), that performs the intent of instructions fetched from memory C. contains the address of the memory location that is to be read from or stored into D. contains a copy of the designated memory location specified by the MAR after a "read" or the new contents of the memory prior to a "write". |
Q58 The Memory Address RegisterA. is a hardware memory device which denotes the location of the current instruction being executed B. is a group of electrical circuits (hardware), that performs the intent of instructions fetched from memory C. contains the address of the memory location that is to be read from or stored into D. contains a copy of the designated memory location specified by the MAR after "read" or the new contents of the memory prior to a "write". |
Q59 The instruction registerA. is a hardware memory device which denotes the location of the current instruction being executed B. is a group of electrical circuts(hardware), that performs the intent of instructions fetched from memory C. contains the address of the memory location that is to be read from or stored into D. contains a copy of the designated memory location specified by the MAR after a "read" or the new contents of the memory prior to a "write" |
Q60 The advantage(s) inherent to using high level languages is(are)A. Fewer people, less management and shorter transition in learning time B. Improved debugging capability, and superior documentation C. A greater degree of machine independence D. All of the above |
Q61 The function(s) of the Syntax phase is(are)A. to recognize the major constructs of the language and to call the appropriate action routines that sill generate the intermediate form or matrix for these constructs B. to build a literal table and an identifier table C. to build a uniform symbol table D. to parse the source program into the basic elements or tokens of the language. |
Q62 The term "operating system" meansA. a set of programs which controls computer working B. the way a computer operator works C. conversion of high level language into machine code D. the way a floppy disk drive operates |
Q63 Systems software is a program that directs the overall operation of the computer, facilities its use are interacts with the user. What are the different types of these softwares ?A. Operating system B. Languages C. Utilities D. All of the above |
Q64 The problem of thrashing is affected significantly byA. program structure B. program size C. primary-storage size D. all of the above |
Q65 Which of the following system program forgoes the production of object code to generate absolute machine code and load it into the physical main storage location from which it will be executed immediately upon completion of the assembly ?A. two pass assembler B. load-and-go assembler C. microprocessor D. compiler |
Q66 Which of the following program is not a utility ?A. Debugger B. Editor C. Spooler D. All of the above |
Q67 Which of the following statement is false ?A. a process scheduling algorithm is preemptive if the CPU can be forcibly removed from a process B. time sharing systems generally use preemptive CPU scheduling C. response time are more predictable in preemptive systems than in non preemptive systems D. real time systems generally use no preemptive CPU scheduling |
Q68 The process of transferring data intended for a peripheral device into a disk (or intermediate store) so that it can be transferred to peripheral at a more convenient time or in bulk, is known asA. multiprogramming B. spooling C. caching D. virtual programming |
Q69 Which of the following is not true about documentation ?A. Documentation of a system should be as clear and direct as possible B. Documentation increases the maintenance time and cost C. Documentation gives better understanding of the problem D. All of the above. |
Q70 Which of the following is not true about 4GLA. 4GL does not support a high-level of screen interaction B. Many database management system packages support 4GLs C. A 4GL is a software tool which is written, possibly, in some third generation language D. All of the above |
Q71 Which of the following are loaded into main memory when the computer is booted ?A. internal command instructions B. external command instructions C. utility programs D. word processing instructions. |
Q72 Bug namesA. A logical error in a program B. A difficult syntax error in a program C. Documenting programs using an efficient documentation tool D. All of the above |
Q73 Which of the following terms refers to the degree to which data in a database system are accurate and correct ?A. data security B. data validity C. data independence D. data integrity |
Q74 Round-robin schedulingA. allows interactive tasks quicker access to the processor B. is quite complex to implement C. gives each task the same chance at the processor D. allows processor-bound tasks more time in the processor |
Q75 The proactive of "bundling" refers toA. selling computers alone B. selling peripheral devices with computer C. selling software to run on computers D. giving away software with a computer purchase |
Q76 Thrashing can be avoided ifA. the pages, belonging to the working set of the programs, are in main memory B. the speed of CPU is increased C. the speed of I/O processor is increased D. all of the above |
Q77 block or buffer caches are usedA. to improve disk performance B. to handle interrupts C. to increase the capacity of main memory D. to speed up main memory read operation |
Q78 SemaphoresA. synchronize critical resources to prevent deadlock B. synchronize critical resources to prevent contention C. are used to do I/O D. are used for memory management |
Q79 User-Friendly Systems areA. required for object-oriented programming B. easy to develop C. common among traditional main-frame operating systems D. becoming more common |
Q80 Which of the following is a phase of a compilation process ?A. Lexical analysis B. Code generation C. Both of the above D. Static analysis |
Q81 Which of the following statement is true ?A. The LRU algorithm pages out pages that have been used recently B. Thrashing is a natural consequence of virtual memory systems C. Seek analysis is used for analysing control-unit busy problems D. All of the above |
Q82 Link encryptionA. is more secure than end-to-end encryption B. is less secure than end-to-end encryption C. cannot be used in public network D. is used only to debug |
Q83 A file organization component of a VSAM file isA. relative record data set B. keyed sequential data set C. entry sequential data set D. all of the above |
Q84 System maintenanceA. is usually not necessary B. is necessary on all systems, regardless of how good C. is not required if the system is well written D. always requires several programs |
Q85 A base register tableA. allows the programmer to write base registers and displacements explicitly in the source program B. is used to remember which of the general-purpose registers are currently available as base registers, and what base addresses they contain C. allow multiple programs to reside in separate areas of core at the same time D. is a term that refers to the control programs of an operating system |
Q86 The advantage(s) of incorporating the macro processor into pass 1 is(are):A. many functions do not have to be implemented twice B. functions are combined and it is not necessary to create intermediate files as output from the macros processor and input to the assembler C. more flexibility is available to the programmer in that he may use all the features of the assembler in conjunction with macros D. all of the above |
Q87 The action of parsing the source program into the proper syntactic classes is known asA. syntax analysis B. lexical analysis C. interpretation analysis D. general syntax analysis. |
Q88 A non-relocatable program is one whichA. cannot be made to execute in any area of storage other than the one designated for it at the time of its coding or translation B. consists of a program and relevant information for its relocation C. can itself perform the relocation of its address-sensitive portions D. all of the above |
Q89 Which of the following systems software does the job of merging the records from two files into one ?A. Security software B. Utility program C. Networking software D. Documentation system |
Q90 Which of the following is not an advantage of multiprogramming ?A. increased throughput B. shorter response time C. decreased operating-system overhead D. ability to assign priorities to jobs |
Q91 Which policy does replace a page if it is not in the favored subset of a process's pages ?A. FIFO B. LRU C. LFU D. Working set |
Q92 Supervisor state isA. never used B. entered by programs when they enter the processor C. required to perform any I/O D. only allowed to the operating system |
Q93 Interprocess communicationA. is required for all processes B. is usually done via disk drives C. is never necessary D. allows processes to synchronize activity |
Q94 For how many processes which are sharing common data, the Dekker's algorithm implements mutual exclusion ?A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 |
Q95 The memory allocation scheme subject to "external" fragmentation isA. segmentation B. swapping C. pure demand paging D. multiple contiguous fixed partitions |
Q96 In which of the following addressing modes, the address of the location of the operand is given explicitly as a part of the instruction ?A. absolute mode B. immediate mode C. index mode D. modulus mode |
Q97 A linkerA. creates a load module B. is not necessary with variable partitions C. must be run after the loader D. is not needed with a good compiler |
Q98 A programA. is a device that performs a sequence of operations specified by instructions in memory B. is the device where information is stored C. is a sequence of instructions D. is typically characterised by interactive processing and time of the CPU's time to allow quick response to each user |
Q99 Virtual MemoryA. is a method of memory allocation by which the program is subdivided into equal portions, on pages and core is subdivided into equal portions or blocks B. consists of those address that may be generated by processor during execution of a computation C. is a method of allocating processor time D. allows multiple programs to reside in separate areas of core at the time |
Q100 PagingA. is a method of memory allocation by which the program is subdivided into equal portions, or pages and core is subdivided into equal portions or blocks B. consists of those addresses that may be generated by a processor during execution of a computation C. is a method of allocating processor time D. allows multiple programs to reside in separate areas of core at the time. |
Q101 Access time is the highest in the case ofA. floppy disk B. cache C. swapping devices D. magnetic disk |
Q102 Real-time systems areA. primarily used on mainframe computers B. used for monitoring events as they occur C. used for program analysis D. used for real-time interactive |
Q103 Scheduling isA. allowing jobs to use the processor B. unrelated to performance consideration C. not required in uniprocessor systems D. the same regard-less of the purpose of the system |
Q104 SwappingA. Works best with many small partitions B. allows many programs to use memory simultaneously C. allwos each program in turn to use the memory D. does not work with overlaying |
Q105 Which technique stors a program on disk and then transfers the program into main storage as and when they are needed, is known asA. spooling B. Swapping C. Thrashign D. All of the above |
Q106 In virtual memory systems, Dynamic address translationA. is the hardware necessary to implemented paging B. stores pages at a specifica location on disk C. is useless when swapping is used D. is part of the operatign system paging algorithm |
Q107 Which of the following not rue about the memory management?A. Virtual memory is used in multiuser systems B. segmentation suffers from external fragmentation C. paging suffers from internal fragmentation D. segmented memory can be paged |
Q108 Which is the name of theoperating system for the laptop computer called Mac Lite?A. Windows B. DOS C. MS-DOS D. OZ |
Q109 Operating systemA. links a program with the subroutines if references B. provides a layered, user-friendly interface C. enables the programmer todraw a flowchart D. all of the above |
Q110 An interpreter isA. a program that places programs into memory and prepares them for execution B. a program that automate the translation of assembly language into machine language C. a programm that accepts a program written in a high level langaugae and produces an object program D. is a program that appears to executeda source program if it were machine language |
Q111 IBM related its first pc in 1981. Can you name the operating system which was most popularA. MS-DOS B. PC-DOS C. OS/360 D. CP/M |
Q112 Who developed the Operating System/2 (OS/2) for running IBM's new PS/2 family of microcomputers?A. IBM B. Microsoft Inc C. Bell Laboratories D. Digital Research Corporation |
Q113 Part of a program where the shard memory is accessed annd which should be executed indivisibly, is calledcA. semaphores B. directrory C. Critical section D. mutual exclusion |
Q114 Which of the following commands is used to change the working directory?A. cd B. changedir C. chdir D. cdir |
Q115 Which option is used with cmp command to give a detailed list of the byte number and the differing bytes in octal for each character that differs in both the files?A. -l B. -d C. -r D. -b |
Q116 The command is used to compare the files is known asA. comp B. cmp C. du D. ccp |
Q117 Which command is used to display a file contents in octal form ?A. cd B. od C. of D. oct |
Q118 Which of the following commands is used to identify the rype of file by context?A. ls B. cat C. file D. more |
Q119 Which of the following command is used to view your file 24 lines at time?A. pg B. cat C. lp D. /p |
Q120 Which command is used to delete all files in the current directory as well as all files and sub-directories in its sub-directories.A. rm *.* B. rm * C. rm -r * D. rm all |
Q121 Which of the following commands is used to dislplay your working directory?`A. dir B. prompt $p$g C. pwd D. path |
Q123 The cat command is used toA. capute a file B. display a file C. print a file D. copy a file |
Q124 Which command allows you to view your file 24 lines at a time?A. more B. pg C. cat D. lp |
Q125 Which of the following refer to the associative memory?A. the address of the data is generated by the CPU B. the address of the data is supplied by the users C. there is no need for an address I.e. the data is used as an address D. the data are accessed sequentilally |
Q126 Which of the following commands is used to rename a file?A. rename B. remove C. mv D. ren |
Q127 Which of the following is characteristic of an operating system?A. resource B. error recovery C. memory management D. all of the above |
Q128 Which of the following commands is uswed to copy directory structures in and out.A. cp B. cpio C. cp - p D. copy |
Q129 Which of the following commans is used to summarize the disk usage?A. chkdsk B. fdisk C. du D. disk |
Q130 The command used to remove the directory is;A. rndir B. rd C. remove D. edir |
Q131 Which of the following commands is used to remove files?A. erase B. delete C. rm D. dm |
Q132 Which of the following commands is used to list contents of directories?A. ls B. lp C. dir D. tar |
Q133 Which of the following signs is used to back up over typing errors in vi?A. @ B. # C. $ D. ! |
Q134 Which of the following commands can be used to get information about yourself?A. who am I B. I/4 C. pwd D. which |
Q135 Which of the following commands can be used to get information about all users who are currently logged into the system?A. which B. who C. who am I D. 1/u |
Q136 Operating system isA. A collection of hardware components B. a Collectionof input/ output devices C. A collection of software routines D. all of the above |
Q138 An operating systemA. is not required on large computers B. is always supplied wit the computer C. is always written in BASIC D. Consists of programs that help in the operation of computer |
Q139 When did IBM released the first version of its disk operating system DOS version 1.0 ?A. 1981 B. 1982 C. 1983 D. 1984 |
Q140 The mathematica software allows the users to directly write and solve problem in arithmetic, trigonometry, algebra, etc. Can you name the person who created this software?A. Thomas Abraham B. Steve Jobs C. Yuri Manin D. Stephen Worfram |
Q141 The higher version of the operating systems are so written that programs designed for earlier versions can still be run. What is it called?A. Upgradability B. Upward mobility C. Universality D. Upward compactibility |
Q142 What is the name of teharrangement whereby several central processing units share one memory?A. multitasking B. multiprogramming C. multiprocessing D. concurrent programming |
Q143 A graphical menu driven operating system allows you to pick up from the menu of choces ift displays on thescrenn. What is the name given to tehimages which are used in such image oriented menus?A. Figure B. Symbol C. Icon D. Model |
Q144 With reference to Windows, a DLL isA. Distributeion Level Library B. Dynamic Link Library C. Dedicated Link Library D. Distributed Library LAN |
Q145 Window is a(n)A. operating system B. user interface C. operating environement D. programming platform |
Q146 Microcomputeroperating systems are generallyA. copy protected B. not loaded into the ROM by hardware manufactures C. easily available in the market D. all of the above |
Q147 What is the operating system used by Macintosh computers?A. System 7.0 B. AU/X C. Unix D. Either a or b |
Q148 An operating system designed torun on only one family of computers is callecA. PC-DOS B. CP/M C. Disk operating system D. Proprietary operating system |
Q149 The relationship between operating system software and application software is thatA. application software monitors operating system B. operating system monitors application software C. Application software and operating system work independently D. The relationship depends upon kinds of operating system and application software |
Q150 A proprietary operating system can run on machines made byA. different vendors B. a specific vendor C. IBM Only D. none of the abvoe |
Q151 DOS isA. a software B. a hardware C. a data organisation osystem D. none of the abvoe |
Q152 A computer program written into a storage medium from which it cannot be accidentally erased is calledA. software B. operating system C. firmware D. ROM |
Q153 The first popular microcomputer operating system developed around 1974 isA. PC-DOS B. MS-DOS C. Apple DOS D. CP/M |
Q154 What is true about machine languageA. it is understood by the computer B. it varies from one model of computer to another C. it may always be represented by binary numbers D. all of the above are true |
Q155 Object program isA. a program written I machine language B. a program to be translated into machine language C. the translationof high-level language into machine langauge D. none of the abvoe |
Q156 What is true about assemble languageA. it uses symbolic codes B. it does not vary from oen type of computer to another C. it uses binary numbers D. none of the above |
Q157 The part of the computer system which perorms the house keeping functions is calledA. interpreter B. compiler C. operating system D. assembler |
Q158 Which of the following functions is (are) perform by the loaderA. allocate space in memory for the programs and resolve symbolic references between object decks B. adjust all address dependent locations, such as address constants, to correspond to the allocated space C. physically place the machine instructions and data intomemory D. all of the above |
Q159 Producer consumer problem can be solved usingA. semaphores B. event counters C. monitors D. all of the above |
Q160 In which addressing mode, the effective address of the operand in generated by adding a constant value to the contents of registersA. absolute mode B. indirect mode C. immediate mode D. index mode |
Q161 Remote computing services involve the use of time sharing andA. multiprocessing B. interactive processingt C. batch processing D. realtime processing |
Q162 Two basic types of operating system areA. sequentila and direct B. batch and time sharing C. sequential and realtime D. batch and interactive |
Q163 Multiprogramming was made possib.le byA. input/output units that operate independently of the CPU B. operating system C. both c and b D. neither a nor b |
Q164 In an absolute scheme, which loader functionis accomplished by loaderA. Reallocation B. Allocation C. Linking D. Loading |
Q165 In an absolute loading scheme, which loader function is accomplished by assemblerA. Reallocation B. Allocation C. Linking D. Loading |
Q166 In an absolute loading scheme, which loader function(s) is (are) accomplished by programmerA. Allocation B. Linking C. Reallocation D. bonth a and b |
Q167 What is the name of thetechnique in which theoperating system of a computer executes several programs consurrently by switching back and forth between them?A. Partitioning B. Multitasking C. Windowing D. Paging |
Q168 When a computer is first turned on or restarted, a special type of absolute loader is executed, called aA. compile and GO" Loader B. Boot Loader C. Bootstrap loader D. Relating loader |
Q169 What is the name of the operating system that read and reacts in terms of actual timeA. Batch system B. Quick response syustem C. Real time system D. Time sharing system |
Q170 In which way(s) macro processor for assembly language can be implementedA. independent two-pass processor B. independent one-pass processor C. processor incorporated into pass 1 of a standard two-pass assembler D. all of the above |
Q171 The macro processor must performA. recognize macro definitions and macro calls B. save the macro definitions C. expand macros calls and substitue arguments D. all fo the above |
Q172 Which of the following are(is) Language ProcessorA. assembles B. compilers C. interpreters D. all of the above |
Q173 Most of the microcomputer's operating system like Apple Dos, MS Dos and PC Dos etc. are called dist operating systems becauseA. they are memory resident B. they are initially stored on disk C. they are available on magnetic tapes D. they are partly in primary memory and partly on disk |
Q174 What is the name given to the process of initializing a microcomputer with its operating systemA. cold booting B. booting C. war booting D. boot recording |
Q175 What is the name of the operating system which was originally designed by scientists and engineers for use by scientists and engineers ?A. XENIX B. UNIX C. OS/2 D. MS DOS |
Q176 Which are most important features of Microsoft Windows programA. Windows B. Pull-down menus C. Icon D. All of the above |
Q177 What is the name given to the organized collection of software that controls the overall operation of a computerA. work system B. peripheral system C. operating system D. controlling system |
Q178 What is the name given to the values that are automaticlly provided by software toreduce keystrokes and improve a computer user's productivityA. Defined Values B. Fixed values C. Default Values D. Special values |
Q179 The advantages of "Compile and Go" loading scheme is (are)A. a portion of memory is wasted because the core occupied by the assembler is unavailable to the object program B. it is necessary to retranslate the user's program deck every time it is run C. it is very difficult to handle multiple segments, especially if the source programs are in different languages, and to produce orderly modular programs D. all fo the above |